Gubser Tree Farm, LLC
AA Highway South Alexandria, turn left on 1997, Go approximately 800 feet, turn left on Lower Grandview Road; we’re at the end of the road
John & Debbie Gubser
2952 Lower Grandview Rd
Alexandria, KY 41001 (Campbell County)
Phone: 859-635-3143
2022 Dates:
- Last Friday, Saturday and Sunday of November
- First two weekends in December (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
- 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Additional Info:
- Wreaths & Garlands will be for sale
- Swags and other greens will be available for purchase
- Saws will be provided
- Restrooms will be available
- Trees can be shaken and baled / wrapped
- Be sure to visit our Gift Shop for an assortment of goods
- Santa will be here!
- Choose and Cut Trees: Scotch and Austrian Pine
- Pre-Cut Trees: Fraser Fir and Balsams